Saturday, May 31, 2008


This one was a little tricky. You really need to know what you are looking for. I searched for 'brooklyn bridge and brooklyn bridge new york' and got a few hits but like any search engine, I also got things that had nothing to do with the subject.

I did play w/Novelist...that's a good tool to use for those patrons that ask, "I love James Patterson...what other author writes like him"? There's a tab to click on for just that. Now this one's a keeper! Keep waddling on....


'LibraryThing' is very similar to a site I already use & recommended to staff & patrons. It's called 'Goodreads' and is another very useful tool for keeping up with all your reads & want to reads. I added 20 books to this new site & have added a random book widget for your viewing pleasure...happy listing!

Play Week/Wk5

Image Generator: This week is 'play week' so I clicked on 'image generator' & started going thru the many generators available. Some are for names, photos, cards, you name it! This one I find pretty cool...I clicked on 'photo spread effect' and uploaded a photo & it took my pic & made a really cool collage. Pretty I guess I'm a generating queen now!

Friday, May 30, 2008

RSS & Newsfeeds/Wk4

Alrighty now....I'm not sure if I like this one yet. I guess it's good if you want a quick glance at something and then went out for the details. One of my feeds, of course, is for the dreaded hurricanes (go figure) & I don't mean any of our sports teams either! :) I can see using this as a tool for upcoming releases and getting quick reviews. This one might be a keeper! 'Newsflash'....or shall I say, 'Newsfeeding away.....

Friday, May 16, 2008


In using Flickr, it was nice to see the many things you can do with pics. It's amazing the vast info that is just a click away now. There's so much technology that's available now for downloading music and the creative things you can do with it. You can add music to your favorite pics, make a slide show or download to your IPod or cell phone. I have been dabbling in other sites and programs & now can add Flickr to the list! Happy Flickr'ng.... ; )

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Underworld (C)

Underworld (C)
Originally uploaded by rnair
Flickr: In using Flickr I was able to find a pic from one of my favorite movies. Pretty cool huh?! Now I can Flickr away.....

Friday, May 9, 2008


Blogging can help us all at the library. We can post:

  • Problem patrons
  • Hurricane updates
  • Tips & ticks
  • Upcoming events
  • What's new
  • Changes
  • Reviews of books & movies
  • Just about anything!
This is a great tool that can keep us all informed! Happy blogging...

7 1/2 Habits of HSLL

Howdy! The hardest part will be to stick to the plan. There are always 'things' that pop up & you always have to be able to adapt quickly....other than that, I'm ready! Bring it!!